These videos provide an authentic snapshot of life as an employee at Viridor and how maths and science are used to problem solve and complete tasks within the work place environment. In addition, these are educational resources which can be used within a guidance class or setting. After reviewing the resources, the maths curriculum lead suggested: ‘These resources would be useful for a wide ability of classes. The Control Room one would be useful for Nat 5 Applications of Maths and levels above. The other videos would be useful for any appropriate class from S1 upwards.’ These resource packs are currently being piloted within one East Lothian School, capturing real-time insight in linking to curriculum delivery. Levels of engagement and interest from both young people, and staff will be sought to further enhance these resource packs. Region-wide access to the resources will be available from next calendar year as Viridor is a national employer, and the messages align the broad general and senior phase education across the board meaning schools across Edinburgh, Mid and East Lothian, and beyond can access the resource packs. Comments are closed.
August 2024