Feel prepared to make choices for their next steps
Discover how their interests, strengths and skills relate to specific job roles
Understand how their subjects relate to jobs and careers
Build networks, skills, confidence, knowledge and ideas for choices and next steps
No matter where young people live they can meet employers and experience the real world of work both in the classroom and outside it. Some examples include: Skills sessions, career events, work placements, mock interviews and workplace visits. Young people can get support to connect with employers through their DYW School Coordinator and Regional DYW Group.
DYW activity is part of Scotland's Young Person's Guarantee. Find out more below.
The Young Person's Guarantee
The Young Person's Guarantee is a commitment to bring together employers, partners and young people. It aims to connect every 16 to 24 year old in Scotland to an opportunity. This could be a job, apprenticeship, further or higher education, training or volunteering. Discover opportunities for the future using the opportunity finder.