In attendance were 16 employers from private, public and third sectors including Glasgow Life, HSBC, Lloyds Banking Group, McGhee’s Bakery and Sixth Sense all of whom had live accessible vacancies that young people could apply for and interview on the day.
Throughout the course of the day, 104 young people attended, which is by far the highest volume we have seen at such an event post-pandemic. 26 of the secondary schools which we work directly with in Glasgow City attended on the day. Due to the nature of the event and the fact that we widely advertised there were some young people in attendance out with our immediate priority group and these young people were also offered the opportunity to meet with our employers as well as being registered with Glasgow Guarantee if not already, supported with obtaining their free travel card via Young Scot and directed to an SDS Advisor to arrange follow up support as indeed were those young people in the priority group. Furthermore, as our host was the Princes Trust, young people also had the opportunity to meet with their outreach team to explore what relevant training and skills opportunities may also be available for them. The objective was to link young people looking for full time or part time work as well as apprenticeships with businesses aiming to fill vacancies. Young people were able to interview or pre interview for roles on the day. To date we are aware of six young people who have been offered a position as a direct result of the event which wouldn’t otherwise have happened, and we expect this number to rise and as such have continued to follow up with those employers who attended to confirm any further positive outcomes. Feedback from employers, young people and partners was universally positive and there is an intention to run a similar event for winter leavers and indeed a further event with a focus on skills and training opportunities and apprenticeships. “Young people who have recently left school attended the Get Hired Event in the Prince's Trust Centre. One individual has been contacted by an employer (Tigers) and is applying for a MA in Childcare”. Comments are closed.
January 2025