In his statement, the Minister recognised the convincing case for change which the Skills Delivery Review set out, he also echoed a message from the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills, that reform is a process not an event. To that end, the process is just at the beginning. There was recognition that change is needed quickly and efficiently. The DYW Employers Forum and network welcome the opportunity to increase the voice and influence of employers and business and hopes to have more opportunity to work with the Minister, Scottish Government and our partners this year to consider the process of reform and have voice in the creation of a robust reform implementation plan.
In an ever-changing world, equipping young individuals with the right skills and opportunities is essential for driving economic transformation and securing a prosperous future, an ambition set out in the Skills Delivery Review. Employer involvement in Career Education through DYW plays a key role in this. Last year alone DYW worked with over 5000 employers, delivering over 11,500 activities for young people in over 500 schools in Scotland. Through 2024 we will continue to work with our established employers whilst creating new relationships, at regional and national level, to reach more young people with inspirational employer led experiences. DYW will continue to deliver campaign activity. In June #YoungPeopleAreGreat will recognise and celebrate the achievements and resilience of young people across Scotland. Our flagship campaign #NoWrongPath takes place on Scottish results day, 6th August, providing inspiration and reassurance to young people receiving their results. The start of the year see’s the introduction of a new campaign #PowerOfAnHour, kicking off on 30th January. We know first-hand the positive impact an hour of an employer's time can have on them and young people, and we take time to recognise and celebrate this through the year with an initial focus on mentoring. Our work with the Career’s Collaborative continues to develop further in 2024. Amongst other activities we will be considering how young people understand the dimensions of fair work and what this means to them as they prepare for and enter the world of work. We will also be working with others in the skills systems to reflect on our digital service to explore opportunities for simplification. We see this collaborative work supporting the Ministers focus on ‘developing a clearer and more coherent modus operandi for our national careers offering’ noted in his statement on 5th December. DYW, the Young Person’s Guarantee and the Skills Delivery Landscape Review share a common goal of equipping individuals with the necessary skills and opportunities to succeed in the rapidly changing economy. By building on the strengths of DYW and the Young Person’s Guarantee and continuing collaboration with government, employers and education providers through reform I believe Scotland has the potential to build a more robust, inclusive and future-ready workforce. Comments are closed.
January 2025