Businesses are an important part of the Circular Economy Challenge and help bring to life how the principles of a circular economy are implemented in the world of work. It also makes young people more aware of the diversity of industry in their local area. “Thank you so much for inviting us! I had a blast and I hope the students found it engaging. They were really enthusiastic and fun.” We have several primary schools signed up to the challenge for 2022/2023. The schools are currently working through their 8 week lesson plan. At the end of the 8 weeks, each school will decide which team will go forward to the final Circular Economy Challenge School’s Showcase to represent the school. Local business partners will be on the Judging Panel at the Final Showcase. In order to support the pupils, at the 4 week mark, DYW invite business mentors ‘Challenge Champions’ to visit each school. This month we introduced business representatives from Skanska and Warmworks to Murrayburn PS. In addition to our employer representatives, we asked Lauren Ridgley, Project Officer for Circular Edinburgh from Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce, to join us. “We had a great day with the pupils and was lovely meeting you all.” The purpose of our visit was to provide support and motivation to the pupils, allowing them to hear from a Circular Economy Business, ask questions about the roles within their organisation and bring some of their recent learning into a real-life context. The school teams then shared their product ideas with the ‘Challenge Champion’ who in turn offered advice, feedback and praise to the pupils. "What a great afternoon and really impressed with the pupils questions and product ideas" What Were the Successes? The pupils were enthusiastic to show us their products, they asked lots of interesting questions and received some great feedback/praise from the Challenge Champions on how to enhance their product/service. What Were the Benefits? The pupils were able to understand how the circular economy can work in a real-life context, the pupils felt motivated at the mid-point of their project. What Would You do Differently in the Future? The timing for organising employers to visit schools has been a challenge this year, as both educators and employers often have other commitments in December. Next year we will look to run the programme slightly earlier. Whilst separate from My Climate Path, this challenge can be used as a supporting activity for the programme. Find out more about My Climate Path here.
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January 2025