When did you decide that you wanted to work within the Creative and Cultural Industries and what influenced that decision?
I was lucky because I knew what I wanted to do and worked towards it, liked English, Art and Drama, but could not study Drama as it was not an O’ Level, at that time, and ended up studying Economics instead and getting an A! Despite this, I was always involved in school drama productions and debating competitions and went on to study Drama at college. What did your career path look like? I do not have a career path, I have crazy paving. I did not always get to study what I wanted at school but took what I got and made it work for me. I studied a degree in Theatre Arts in London, and no matter what job I have had, it has been my acting training that has helped me as all my jobs involved working with communities and within teams where communication and empathy are very important and valuable skills (more so now than ever before as society strives to be more inclusive by addressing issues of well-being and inequality for the benefit of the many and not the few). From making pizzas to working on building sites, in shops or in security, I have learned as I worked and when events happen, which at the time appear catastrophic, I have learned that six months or six years down the line I can look back and see that ‘catastrophe’ is another word for opportunity. By staying open to possibilities and taking opportunities, even if they are not exactly what I would want to do but may be in the same general direction, I have managed to find interesting and fulfilling employment and a degree of satisfaction and happiness that, at one time, I could not imagine. What qualifications and experience are necessary for your role? Communication, inclusiveness and logistics are the key skills I have developed in my current role. The first two are similar but the third is key because if I don’t get the Travelling Gallery to a venue on time and set up properly, then no one gets to enjoy what we have to offer. Advice Art is not a luxury but the very essence of what it is to be human and without it we would not be here. In a time when the world is crying out for creative solutions to its numerous problems the quickest way to stimulate that creativity is the Arts: Music, Visual, Physical, whatever! So, get working and save the planet and yourselves. Comments are closed.
January 2025